Penyuluhan Demam Berdarah Dangue (DBD) dan Penggunaan Tanaman Lavender Sebagai Penolak Nyamuk di Desa Plancungan Kecamatan Slahung Kabupaten Ponorogo
Dangue Hemmorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a dangerous deases with very high distribution in Indunesia. Dangue fever is one of the most infectious deases that have many risk. The main cause of this deases is the dangue virus and it’s transmission is through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The development of these mosquitoes is very fast, especially in an environtment that has hot and humid weather like Indonesia. With this counseling, it aims to increase public awareness to protect their environment so they can be free from Dangue fever and provide an understanding of dangue deases starting from characteristics of Aedes aegypti mosquito, how it is transmitted to how to overcome it. The method used is lectures, discussions and active question and answer by the community of Plancungan Village, Slahung District, Ponorogo. With this outreach activity, the public can understand the characteristics of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is has black and white stripes on the msoquito’s body. The method of eradictating mosquitoes can be done with 4M Plus namely draining, closing, burying and monitoring and taking plus action by not hanging clothes, reducing the number of mosquitoes with mosquito repellent plants such as lavender.
Keyword : DBD, Lavender Plants, Plancungan Village
Full Text:
Nurul Istiqomah dan Heri Santoso, 2019. Penyuluhan Demam Berdarah Dangue (DBD) dan Penggunaan Tanaman Selasih Mekah Sebagai Penolak Nyamuk di Desa Bakalan Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Kediri.
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