Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Melalui Pengolahan Jahe Merah Menjadi Serbuk Instan di Desa Karangan, Kecamatan Badegan, Kabupaten Ponorogo

Rico Syahrian Nurroini, Innas Putri Agung, Yasiinta Nur Methasari, Nanda Putra Karunia, Mutiara Mulia Rantika, Aurita Khofifah Quranni, Yusuf Adam Hilman


The type of red ginger that has many benefits will certainly be consumed by many people to help strengthen the immune system from viral and bacterial attacks, especially during a pandemic like this. Indonesia's predicate as one of the largest ginger producing countries in the world provides business opportunities for domestic farmers. As the world of industry and technology develops, a business innovation is needed to increase the selling value of red ginger in the market. This will be achieved if farmers get information about red ginger processing through training methods. Implementation of activities in the form of training on processing red ginger into instant powder by providing material and direct demonstration of the manufacturing process. The processing is done manually with crystallization technology without the aid of a special machine. The purpose of this training is to provide knowledge on how to process red ginger into instant powder to create innovative herbal drinks with high nutritional value. It is important that training is carried out to improve the economic development of the community and MSMEs in order to achieve mutual prosperity. Judging from the results of the village training, the farmers and the community who participated in this activity were very active from beginning to end.


Keywords :  red ginger, powder, instant, economy

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Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Melalui Pengolahan Jahe Merah Menjadi Serbuk Instan (Rico Syahrian Nurroini, 2022)

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