Peranan Karang Taruna dan Anak-Anak dalam Pengelola Lingkungsn Hidup untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Desa (Suatu Studi di Desa Bringinan Kecamatan Jambon Kabupaten Ponorogo)

Alif Ria Rahmadhani, Ika Septiani, Utin Lenisa R D, Puri Puspa Ayu K, Moh Ridho A H, Moh Iqbal BM, Erfin Setiawan, Mohammad Fikri R, Nurul Abidin


Improving or developing the quality of the village for the better is something that needs to be done at this time. All community leaders are responsible and play an important role in this. Today various problems arise among the younger generation, therefore a forum is needed to solve them. An example is the youth organization, which is able to accommodate all forms of community aspirations and then manage them. In addition, efforts that can be made are to strengthen the spirit of young people and children as the successors of future generations. The environmental management aims to preserve the environment so that the environment becomes more beautiful, green, and beautiful

keyword: Environmental Management and Youth Organizations

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