TANTANGAN ORANG TUA DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER ANAK GENERASI ALPHA USIA 7-10 TAHUN (Studi Kasus: Kampung Pondok Serut, Kelurahan Pondok Kacang Barat, Kecamatan Pondok Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten.)
This research contains the challenges of parents in shaping the character of children in the millennial era, the rapid development of this era indirectly brings a considerable influence on the behavior of alpha generation children so that it becomes one of the challenges for parents in guiding and caring for children. Through the role of the family it is expected to give birth to the next generation of the nation that has superior seedlings and character because the family has a great influence on the development, growth and character of children. However, in reality, the development of the age will increase the challenges for parents, the alpha generation children are born in the midst of rapid technological growth that can indirectly affect children so they need to get more attention so they do not depend on existing technology. Through a descriptive qualitative method that takes place in Pondok Serut Village, Pondok Kacang Barat Village, Pondok Aren District, South Tangerang City, Banten. Data sources or informants from this study were 3 mothers, 2 fathers and 5 children 7-10 years of aplha generation in Kampung Pondok Serut, the method of data collection is by observing, interviewing and documenting. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. as well as the instruments of this research that are the researchers themselves. The purpose of this research is to find out the challenges of parents in shaping the character of alpha generation children. The results of the research how challenge parents in shaping the character of children in this alpha generation is that technological progress is one of the challenges that must be faced by parents in shaping the character of children this is because children use technology for things that are less useful and require parents to pay more attention to children's character education . This research is expected to provide information and add insight to the reader.
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