ISLAM AND THE PATTERNS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION (A Study on Digital Media Industry Development in West Java, Indonesia)

Dede Mariana, Diah Fatma Sjoraida, Rully Khairul Anwar


This study is about the pattern of entrepreneurship education to encourage and provide a model of economic growth, especially in the field of micro, small, and medium enterprises. This could be a potential to provide a welfare society. The questions to be answered here are about how to make an Islamic pattern of education which could develop community-based digital media industries in West Java. With a qualitative descriptive method, this research found that the government, the digital media industry and community institutions that exist in West Java had a fairly active role in the development of the digital media industry. The society itself had been opened in response to industry initiatives and contemporary technological developments in the field of buying and selling goods and services. However, there were still obstacles that may continue to be refined for the success of the digital media industry community, especially in the field of entrepreneurship education.

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