Work Training of Overseas workers is an organization functioned to give certain competences
such as knowledge and understanding about situation and condition, custom, culture, and religion,
and communicative competence of using the language of destination country. Moreover, this
organization should also give proper explanation to the workers-to-be concerning their rights and
obligations as well as possible risks they may experience during their work. This current study
tried to analyze the syllabus and the curriculum issue that has not put yet the material concerning
family management issue. It took place in all Balai Latihan Kerja Luar Negeri (BLKLN), the work
training organization in Ponorogo. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. This study used
field observation and interview as primary techniques collecting data and documentation of official
documents issued by Department of Social, Manpower and Transmigration, BLKLN and PPTKSI
(Pelaksana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Swasta Indonesia), the organization of workers placement.
The result showed that the curriculum used in BLKLN still lacked on material concerning gender
education based on family management. The indicators of family management are the
communication with the rest of family members, change of the role between husband and wife,
and family finance management. This matter is significant because it becomes one of influential
factors of family parting. This study result the draft of module gender education based on family
management for Indonesian workers. In order to make this draft complete to be implemented in the
curriculum, it requires further partnership with BLKLN in Ponorogo.
such as knowledge and understanding about situation and condition, custom, culture, and religion,
and communicative competence of using the language of destination country. Moreover, this
organization should also give proper explanation to the workers-to-be concerning their rights and
obligations as well as possible risks they may experience during their work. This current study
tried to analyze the syllabus and the curriculum issue that has not put yet the material concerning
family management issue. It took place in all Balai Latihan Kerja Luar Negeri (BLKLN), the work
training organization in Ponorogo. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. This study used
field observation and interview as primary techniques collecting data and documentation of official
documents issued by Department of Social, Manpower and Transmigration, BLKLN and PPTKSI
(Pelaksana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Swasta Indonesia), the organization of workers placement.
The result showed that the curriculum used in BLKLN still lacked on material concerning gender
education based on family management. The indicators of family management are the
communication with the rest of family members, change of the role between husband and wife,
and family finance management. This matter is significant because it becomes one of influential
factors of family parting. This study result the draft of module gender education based on family
management for Indonesian workers. In order to make this draft complete to be implemented in the
curriculum, it requires further partnership with BLKLN in Ponorogo.
Module, Indonesian Workers, Family Management
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