Rengganis Siwi Amumpuni


Blended Learning is one of the modern learning methods that always follow development of the
era. The aims of the research are: (1) to prove whether blended learning is more effective than
direct method to teach listening; (2) to prove out whether the students with having high linguistic
intelligent have better listening skill than those who have low linguistic intelligent; (3) to prove out
whether there is an interaction between teaching method and students’ level of linguistic intelligent
to teach listening. This research is conducted at the English Teaching Department IKIP PGRI
Madiun in the academic year of 2015/2016. The population in this research is the fourth grade
students which consisted of 48 students deriving from two classes. The sample is taken by using
cluster random sampling. The experimental group is taught by using blended learning while the
control group is taught by using direct method. The instruments used to collect the data are
listening test and students linguistic intelligent test. The data are analyzed using ANOVA and
Tukey. The research findings show: (1) Blended learning is more effective than direct method in
teaching listening; (2) The students having high level of linguistic intelligent have better listening
skill than those having low linguistic intelligent; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching
method and students’ linguistic intelligent.


Teaching Listening, Blended learning, Students’ linguistic intelligent

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