Islamic Education and Acculturation Millennial Generation in Communication Perspective
Perceived easiness by people today in many sides of life as result globalization, in which globalization is highly influenced by communications technology. The using of communications technology have the effect of reducing space and time, distance and place are not a barrier for someone to able to establish communication. Ease of access and share information from various parts of the world will lead to changes in cultural values of a generation. This condition cause appears a new generation called millennial generation or Y generation is the generation was born on years around 1980 until 2000, which exists today as a generation confronted with easiness facilities will make a phenomenon, cultural values change than previous generations. Changes in cultural values can be easily experienced by this generation plunges into inconsistent action with the value of Islam, whereas this generation will carry the future. Inventure, consulting company with the research study Center for Middle-Class Institute revealed there was 13 owned trends behavior of the millennial generation. This trend will be discussed by placing an Islamic education as a solution to accompany any changes cultural values this millennial generation. Discussion using literature review method to uncover how the Islamic education keeps this millennial generation in order to Islam principles. Science communication will be used to reveal this phenomenon. This article shows that the values of Islam always appropriate with all period.
Keywords: Islamic Education; Millennial Generation; Acculturation; Communication
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